Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Thirteen: Super Strep (Part One)



The following Wednesday night was fine and clear, and the bright moon was just beginning to wane. The Figgy Pudding Singers had a long outing, and they came back to Mark and Sandra’s house having sung themselves hoarse. John Quick had not sung with them, but had stayed behind, brewing something in the kitchen, something that he said would soothe their vocal cords. It was hot, creamy, and delicious, and very soothing—but it also seemed to cause people’s voices to jump up by at least an octave, for a minute or two after each swallow. Naturally, everyone found it hilarious, and nobody rested their voices. Judging from the look on John’s face, that was his plan all along. Mark found some sheet music online for “Christmas Don’t Be Late” by Alvin and the Chipmunks, and printed it out, and he played it at the piano while Otter, Star, and Rick Pearson performed it in their newfound ranges. Charity Jackson laughed so hard she cried. Mark was happy to see that she was feeling comfortable with the group; tonight, as wa