Wilson Waffling

153: Who am I? Who am I? - I'm...



As my marking has been returned and teaching has stopped for summer, I am turning my attention to one of the other many aspects of my job as an academic which is research. Some people suggest that you do a little bit of research every now and again and, although I do try and read the odd article/research paper, I prefer to have a good go at something so I can get into the 'zone'. It is interesting how your mindset and thoughts actually start to change as your brain is released from other work related topics, tasks and problems and the time appears, within the working day, to engage with new problems and ideas. Using technology such as Evernote and Omnifocus, I can collate my ideas, books and articles which I have found during the teaching timetable for this moment in the year when I have to time to actually go back over them and start to both engage and interact with them. Tomorrow I will be sat in the library, which is virtually empty at the moment, to start to engage with those notes which I have saved. But