Prophecy Insight's With Bro Stef

Is it Time to Freak Out?



Is it Time to Freak Out? No... Never! For believers in Jesus Christ (Yeshua) it is never time to freak out. Why you ask. Because we serve a God that is BIGGER than the universe and He holds us in the center of His hand (John 10:28). Bible Reading Today: John 10; John 14; Psalm 100; Luke 21 and Proverbs 3:5-8. Back in the year 2000 there was only a couple of us sharing prophecy updates or connecting the headlines with what the Bible had to say about current events of that day. Of course we were pioneers in online prophecy getting the word out. Over the last 6 years there has been an explosion of voices online now that are warning people. Some are Biblical in their presentation, others are not and these tend to peddler fear, sensationalism and speculation. There are so many voices out there I have considered leaving the space because I don't want to add to the chatter. But every time I consider backing away someone contacts me or comments that their grateful I'm there providing a unique perspective, se