Prophecy Insight's With Bro Stef

A Modern Day Miracle



Based on Gen. 18:23-33 Heads up - correction: I mentioned King Cyrus was the King that loved Daniel. I should have said King Darius in Daniel 6. The Lord not only put Trump and Pence in office, but He destroyed the legacy of a president that demonstrated his destain towards God, country, Christians and Jews. 
Read and watch: 
The Christian community was faced with a very challenging election this year. Do we vote for someone who was braggadocio's, brash and whose ego barely could fit through a doorway? On the other hand, do we vote for an individual who has established an attitude of lying, deceit, theft and someone who shares national top secret secrets with those that do not have security clearance? 
The choice was gut-wrenching. It seemed to me that God put us all, who believe in Him, in a position where our only course of action was to pray, to seek Him out and to cry out to the one who died