Prophecy Insight's With Bro Stef

My Heart is Torn



Based on Zechariah 12, 13 and 14 Zechariah 12, 13 and 14 tells us that the suffering of the Jewish people or the next holocaust is going to be horrendous! The Bible tells us that in order for the return of Messiah to come two-thirds of the Jews are going to lose their lives, Jerusalem will be ransacked, the women raped and it will look as though Israel is falling and then on Yom Kipper (October) when they are in morning and seeking repentance for their sins, at that time their hearts will be ready to accept the Messiah Yeshua or Jesus. My heart is torn because I don't want to see suffering anymore and I don't want to see the suffering of my people of the Jews. Please pray with me for the peace of Jerusalem and pray that God will save many of his people, the Jews now so that they will have a way of escape from the suffering that it's coming. Keep looking up because Jesus is coming back soon, Bro Stef, Pastor "Watchman" Ezekiel 33 PS. Accept The Lord Today! How? Visit my site for answers