Morningstar Uk: Podcasts

Your Guide to Planning for Retirement



Happy New Tax year and welcome to podcast from Morningstar UK, the leading provider of independent investment research. This week we bring you a comprehensive guide to Planning for Retirement. The problem with investing for retirement is it seems a very long way off for so many of us. The State Pension age is now 67, with average life expectancy at 80 years. Seemingly more pressing financial obligations call out to be prioritised; children’s education, family holidays, DIY. But start investing for retirement early enough and the burden is far less; put off saving into a pension and the sacrifice you must make to meet the same financial goal is much greater. Let’s start with the podcast off with the basics, Emma Wall, Senior editor of explains what a pension is and why you should have one. Investing well is key to building up a sizeable pension pot. If done correctly investing can also help build you buy a property or pay for your children’s education. So, can you afford not to invest