Take 2: Utah's Legislature With Heidi Hatch, Greg Hughes And Jim Dabakis

Take 2 - Impeachment, citizen referendum on new tax code, federal parental leave



2News Anchor Heidi Hatch hosts another Take 2 Podcast with guests Maura Carabello, of the Exoro Group, and Utah's former Speaker of the House, Greg Hughes. The lively debate focused on several topics; impeachment, tax reform and background checks on guns. The trio also discussed the claim by a whistleblower that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is stockpiling $100 billion instead of earmarking to help the needy. Words were also exchanged about federal parental leave. A breakdown of the debate is as follows: Impeachment: How the Utah delegation voted and reacted. Fundraising for District 4 based on the impeachment vote. Governor signs tax reform but there's a citizen referendum that is collecting 116,000 signatures in the next month. Is it possible? Winners and losers with tax reform, personally and politically. Salt Lake County Mayor puts in place the new rule for background checks at gun shows starting Jan. 1. Federal parental leave.