Success Stories From Catherine Robson

Leah Zell



Leah Zell believes that small cap investing is not something you should do at home. She should know – her nickname is the Queen of Small caps and she is one of the most successful women on Wall Street, carving out a stellar career in the male-dominated funds management business. Leah believes that while index investing is a wonderful way to protect you against underperformance in deep and liquid markets, the higher returns and corresponding higher risk of investing in companies with smaller market capitalization, warrants professional management. The daughter of Polish immigrants, Leah graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard. She went on to earn a PhD and win the Woodrow Wilson, Fulbright, and Krupp Foundation fellowships, before following her brother, billionaire property magnate Sam Zell, into business. Leah believes that keeping her ego in check, being patient and maintaining a team small enough to hold one single conversation at a dinner table, have been the keys to her success.