Nhai Onai & The Other Guys

Why Your Boyfriend Needs To Move Out of His Mommas House



Capital26Free — Archie and Jerry (formerly known as Jerry The Bartender) join Onai in this episode where they first try to see if Ginimbi was behind ZANU PF's "All White Rally". They go through peoples reactions and ask the question, "did the differential treatment of the White Zimbabweans show the different racial treatment people get because of colour or was this good political strategy?" They also dwell on ZEC boss, sex scandals and unpack other scandals like them to see if men really have a problem with women in power, thus the use of sex scandals against them or thats just how the political game works regardless. Archie and Jerry narrate their never been told story about an accident that they were recently involved in and how they blame friends who don't answer phones for it and lastly, Onai is beginning to feel the strain of living in his mommas house. They discuss whether moving out is a good idea to do for bachelors. Alternative topic names 1. All Rallies are equal but some are more equal than