One Movie Punch

Episode 654 - "Rust Creek" (2018)



Hi everyone! Against my better judgment, we’re welcoming back Shane Hyde to the podcast for another horror movie review, this time hopefully one he enjoys a bit more. After last week’s review for “Nightmare Cinema”, I’m sort of surprised he came back for more. For a few other reviews from Shane, check out “Nightmare Cinema” (Episode #647), “Starship Troopers” (Episode #447), and his incredible narration duties as part of Reign of Terror 2019. Before the review, we’ll have a promo from our good friends at the Moviedrone podcast. Every episode, Marc and Steve sit down to discuss films, including a main feature, some homework for each other, a question from the audience, and my favorite segment, Marc’s Movie Impressions. Don’t miss their guest review here for Reign of Terror 2019, covering the indie darling, “Terrifier” (Episode #606). They weren’t much help, though, to be honest. At least not for me. You can find them on Twitter and Instagram @movie_drone and on Facebook @Moviedronepod. Subscribe to stay curren