One Movie Punch

Episode 658 - "The Irishman" (2019)



Hi everyone! Welcome back for another week of reviews. We’ve got two more weeks left of reviews for we break for the end of the year. The Oscar race is heating up in theaters nationwide, with multiple top-quality films in theaters, including today’s film until it appeared on Netflix just before Thanksgiving, which makes it perfect for Streaming Sundays. I waited until it hit Netflix to see it, and I’ll tell you why in a minute, but for a couple other films related today’s film, check out our review for SILENCE (Episode #061) for another Scorsese film, along with our recent review for the heavily-inspired-by-Scorsese film JOKER (Episode #630), now the highest grossing DC Movie of all time. We also have another Patreon episode up at This week we present part two of “Stories from the Fire”, a collection of the audio essays and mini-dramas from last year’s wildfire evacuation series. It’s a nice way to look back on our podcast, and a nice checklist of goals to review. I’d say we did pre