Talking About Horses With Di Denton

Large Animal Rescue - Help, Don't Hurt - Episode 10



Horse Welfare Incs, Jo Briggs talks about the Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshops which they coordinate .  As horse owners, none of us like to think about the possibility of  a ‘disaster’ or emergency situation occurring with our horses, but this course helps us think through the ‘what if’ scenarios and covers all the essential skills necessary in dealing with many equine emergency situations.  You might not need these ever for your own horse(s) but you never know, they might come in very handy for someone elses horse (or cow).The skills learned at this workshop serve all horse people really well in routine equine practice, as well as stressful equine emergency rescue situations and  the course is designed to guide participants through emergency procedures for large animal (horses particularly) rescue.  It is ideally suited to all horse industry people, anyone who is transporting horses and towing floats, as well as emergency services