Talking About Horses With Di Denton

Hunter Valley Brumbies - Ep 13 Talking About Horses with Di Denton and Kathryn Massey



Having grown up ‘on’ the Silver Brumby children’s books series by noted Australian author Elyne Mitchell, my dogged eared copies of the books are testament to my passion for these Australian wild horses from a very early age.  So it was with pleasure that I sat down to interview Kathryn Massey, the President and Founder of the Hunter Valley Brumby Association to find out more about these iconic Australian wild horses and the Associations aims and activities.Kathryn Massey and the Hunter Valley Brumby Association have championed Australian Brumby horses since 2009 and provide for them refuge, rehabilitation, education and training from their sanctuary property located near Stroud NSW.    The Associations main focus (working with Government, National Parks and State Forest departments and other horse charity organisations) is to protect the 3 main wild populations of Brumbies in the NSW Hunter Valley region (in the geographic regions of  Barrington, Nerong and Singleton).   The Association also works to promote