One Movie Punch

Episode 648 - "Framing John DeLorean" (2019)



Hi everyone! Just me today, as I continue taking a deep dive into documentaries, a semi-revival of our Documentary Thursdays segment from last year. This week, I’ll be tackling “Framing John DeLorean”, a film that promises a lot more than it delivers, much like the car of the same name. You’ll find out what I mean in a little bit, but for two other recommendations, definitely check out “Meeting Gorbachev” (Episode #641), last week’s documentary feature, and “Casting JonBenét”, a 2017 Netflix documentary that actually delivers what this film promises. Before the review, we’ll be showing more love for our friends at the Ocho Duro Parlay Hour. Every week, the whole crew sit down and go over a bunch of topics, from sports to comics to television and movies. Huge shoutout to the ODPH crew for all their support during Reign of Terror 2019. You can find them on Twitter and Instagram @ODParlayHour and on Facebook @ochoduroparlayhour. Lots of great content on a variety of topics! Subscribe to stay current with the lat