Fall 2013 Shamatha And The Bodhisattva Way Of Life

06 Mindfulness of breathing and Death and Impermanence



We return to mindfulness of breathing, with a gradual and persistent cultivation of stability, which is really getting the mind to calm down. Maintian a continuity of attention, a flow of mindfulness but without the habitual contraction which is almost always associated with ego, stress, a goal. Yogis that come out of hours of samadhi come out feeling fresh and revived. How? By the concentration coming out of a sense of release. Post meditation: The second of the four preliminaries, reflecting on impermanence and death. This is a way for us to develop conative intelligence, that is, having wise or intelligent desires. There are so many dumb desires, the meditation on impermanence and our own mortality is like taking smart pills. Meditation starts at: 7.15