Horse Wise

What kind of qualities does your dream horse have? Find out how I discovered my dream horse this year — much to my surprise and delight.



What's your dream horse like? Most people have specific ideas about what they want in their dream horse. They make a detailed list of qualities (like height, conformation, bloodlines, movement type, color, discipline training and so on).  For me personally, I never much believed in the idea of dream horses. The horses in my life had all crossed my path at the right time — rather than me specifically searching for a certain kind of candidate. None of them were perfect by traditional standards (they had sports injuries, personality quirks or imperfect conformation). But they all were good horses for me and I enjoyed our time together immensely. This year, I had to unexpectedly retire a 9 yo gelding due to EPM complications. Inspired by several friends who had acquired young prospects, I began a quiet search for a new horse. My list of ideal attributes was a little offbeat — so I didn’t expect to find a horse that matched them all. But then I met a 16H bay gelding who had the most important quality of all.