Women Are The Journey

Story of the Shift: Suzi Hixon



Episode 120 What a pleasure it was to have Suzi Hixon in the room with me. An attorney that specializes in trademark and brands. The big story is her journey from the corporate law firm to needing to venture out on our own. There is a bit of #metoo and good old boy network and golf. I know, what a combo right? She talks about mistakes she made, the best tools for herself and great recommendations! Suzi Hixon is a Trademark Attorney and Trademark Creation Strategist. She helps businesses and entrepreneurs create beautiful brand names for their products and services. Suzi's focus is strong brand name creation ~ from both the legal and marketing perspective. While those two perspectives often collide, her goal is to help businesses and entrepreneurs find an agreeable nexus of the two, based on their ideal target market, specific products and services, and unique brand vision. Suzi's superpower is taking complex legal issues and making them easily digestible for non-legal beagles. Through a mix of strategic co