Align. Profit. Impact. (formerly Labor Of Love)

Write The Book



If you know you’re supposed to write a book - if it’s been on your heart, if you keep thinking about it over and over - then you just know. You know you have to write it. In this podcast, Cassandra talks about how she was inspired to start writing and offers concrete action steps towards completing a book. Just like with starting a business, writing starts with figuring out your ‘why?’ Why are you writing a book? For money? As therapy? To leave a legacy? Once you figure out your ‘why,’ you’ve got to ask yourself “what problem does my book solve?” Maybe it’s a problem related to your business or, in Cassandra’s case, maybe it’s about overcoming a part of your story. Sitting on a dream doesn’t do much good; you’ve got to take action. If you truly want to write a book, you’ve got to just write! Even if all you produce in the beginning is one giant, 20,000-word, run-on sentence…it all starts with putting pen to paper. Listen in as Cassandra shares how she birthed her “book baby,” and gives advice on how you can b