Grace Church In Noblesville & Fishers, In

Lifting Moses' Hands | Israel Defeats the Amalekites



This is the final week of our series, Into the Wilderness. We've been following the Israelites as they've struggled through water shortages, food shortages, and lots and lots of grumbling and complaining. Every time they face a new crisis, though, God comes through for them. And as we've talked about, these stories are in our Bibles for a reason. Each one has been handed down from generation to generation to help us all understand what life is like living in the wilderness - in our case, the wilderness of a broken world. Every one of us faces wilderness in our lives - depression, broken relationships, losing a job, illness, grief - and these stories speak to that. In every one, the big idea is the same: God has not abandoned you in the wilderness. You can trust him to see you through. He did it back then and he'll do it now. So, Exodus 17. God gave the Israelites water from a rock. But then, in verse 8, out of nowhere, the people are attack