Fridays With Zell

Starting a podcast



I'm going to start a podcast. But why am I starting a podcast when I'm already doing video every Friday? I wanted to start a podcast before starting a video because podcasts seem to be way less intimidating compared to videos. But I also wanted to teach code, and podcasts wouldn't be a very good medium for it. Overtime, I realized that most of the videos I put out only contain audio, so you don't have to watch me on screen. That is true for the past 10-15 videos. It'll be boring if you watch nothing but me talk to you for 5-10 minutes. You can't do anything else. You need to have your Youtube tab or Youtube app open. I only realized that my content is suitable for podcasts when one of my students in Learn JavaScript brought it up to me. She asked why I didn't start a podcast instead. So I thought, why not do both of them at once? That's why I'm starting a podcast. Everything is still raw I don't even know whether the process I have to put this video into Itunes will work well. I'm testing things out. If this