Feed Your Soul with Kim

27: What is Stress Eating?



It's painful when you cannot stop overeating, you feel bad about yourself and your life.Each Monday, join Kim McLaughlin, as she helps you find peace with food and feed your soul.If you want to put food in its proper place, as nourishment, and increase your satisfaction in life - this podcast is for you.In this episode, we talk about stress and how it can lead to overeating. We are a stressed out society. Truthfully, using food to manage stress makes a lot of sense. It can make you feel good, at least for a while.In this podcast we discuss:What is stress eating?How stress eating makes your stress worse.Come away ways to manage stress differently.Discover a new way of managing stress by joining the Feed Your Soul Community. Join for free:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1172488142887200/"Feed Your Soul; Nourish Your Life! The Six Step System to Peace with Food" is available. Get it now: https://feedyoursoulunlimited.com/fysnylbook/Be sure to get your freebie - “Top Tips to End Emotional Eating” at www.FeedYo