Editor and Publisher Reports

6 Roger Black, legendary news designer, Davin Coburn, executive podcast producer, "Carruth"



This week, Editor & Publisher Magazine's official weekly podcast, “E&P Reports,” mixes things up with two very different subject interviews—one on news design, the other on narrative news podcasting—and both offering tips on excellence in news publishing. First up is legendary newspaper and magazine designer Roger Black, who talks about design as a competitve weapon. Fun fact: Black designed the current logo for Editor & Publisher about 20 years ago! After Black, stick around for a behind-the-scenes conversation that Editor & Publisher editor-in-chief Nu Yang conducted with Davin Coburn, executive producer of audio for McClatchy Newspapers. Coburn worked with Charlotte Observer reporter Scott Fowler on “Carruth,” a narrative podcast about former NFL star Rae Carruth, his girlfriend, Cherica Adams—who was shot four times by a hitman—and their unborn son, Chancellor Lee. The narrative podcast they produced won this year’s EPPY Award for “Best Podcast” with more than 1 million unique visitors. Re