Garden Chat

The Garden Chat with Sandy Munro - 26 October 2019



Fine Music Radio — Now might be a good time to look at unruly plants which have gone ballistic after the cool wet conditions this past winter and of course our productive spring. Ivy is a good example as it once again takes hold of anything in its path. Personally I think it is better to remove it entirely but understand that if its covering a garden wall and doing a good greening job, keeping control is vital. It can be cut right back against the wall and although a bit unsightly for a while it will cover up in no time. Another green monster when it comes to energy and money is the lawn, an ongoing regime that needs constant attention. There are more important and more creative things to do in a garden so I suggest you try the following. -Keep lawn watering to a minimum…that is probably not more than 3 times a week but this will depend on soil type and grass species! -Sandy soils need water just about every day in the hot season, clay soils might only need a good watering once or twice a week!!