Oaklore By 37.8 Media

Episode 9 – Henry Salas



This week’s episode of OAKLORE has Henry Salas, a library aide and event organizer, speaking with Latitude High School Students. They asked Abram about his struggles in moving to the United States, being a part of the Mam community in Oakland, and his wish for them to be more visible in Oakland. About OAKLORE Oaklore is a show about Oaklanders whose changemaking stories inspire others to lead collective action in our city. Oaklore is a production of 378Media a project of 9th grade students at latitudehigh.org in Oakland, CA. You can visit our website at 378media.com and follow us on instagram and twitter @378media. MUSIC CREDITS Oaklore’s theme song is Don’t Hold Back by Great Scott. Don't Hold Back by Great Scott https://soundcloud.com/slgreatscott Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Music for Creators https://youtu.be/ug2UuP6QdWQ