Women Are The Journey

Story of the Shift: Michelle Gomez



Episode 119 I had a lot of fun with Michelle Gomez. Her passion and fire are so much fun to listen to and get caught up in. Her discussion of being worthy and learning about self care hit home hard and then she makes you laugh. That is what this interview is all about. Hitting hard and bringing laughter to the mix. Her story is the perfect example of living life in pain and fun at the same time. It was inspirational. Michelle Gomez, The Latina Career Coach, is an accomplished corporate sales professional with over two decades of riding the waves of the corporate structure as a first-generation Latina-American. The first in her family to graduate from college, she has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, and a certification in Broadcast Journalism. Throughout her career, Michelle has been an advocate for women in the workforce; leading the charge in speaking forums, business articles and networking events. Michelle has personally mentored and coach