Vibe Tribe Wellness

Ep. 98 Your Upper Limit Problem and How to Break Through It *Solo Chats with Rach*



We're back with our solo dolo episodes for season 4, and Rach is kicking it off.  Fun fact, she recorded this twice because accidentally deleted it the first time. Bet she won't make that mistake twice!! If you're new here, let us introduce our co-host Rachael!  She’s a dreamer.  She’s a seeker. She’s a doer.  Rachael uses her powers in subconscious reprogramming, building a magnetic personal brand, and spiritual rituals to support women in wellness find alignment, love, success, abundance through business, finances, relationships, and travel.   Weaving her story from rock bottom to rebirth to let you know that from the pain comes potential, to empower you to start from where you are.  Designing a freedom-based lifestyle.  Quantum uplevelling. Having fun! These are her foundational to her method. The wellness practitioner who desires to learn what goes on BTS of a successful business so she can blueprint it and apply it to her own.  The wellpreneur who isn’t afraid of a little woo to add a bit of spice and ex