Off The Hookah With Phil And Cooper

Episode #116: Ceasefire & Desist (feat. Amberin Zaman)



Following up on Episode #115, Phil and Cooper discuss what’s happened in Syria since President Trump decided to withdraw US troops from the northeastern territories, leaving Syrian Kurdish allies to fend for themselves against the Turkish military operation. But are the troops really “coming home,” and if so, when? Are there still plans for troops in Syria? And if the US is leaving, who’s going to fill that void? We answer these questions and speak with senior correspondent Amberin Zaman to learn more about how the Syrian Kurds are processing events of the last few weeks. US announces full withdrawal from northern Syria as Turkish forces advance (Jack Detsch/Amberin Zaman) 'Majority' of US troops depart Syria (Jack Detsch) Who betrayed Syria’s Kurds? (Amberin Zaman) Turkey, Russia both claim win in Syria agreement (Amberin Zaman) Trump administration scrambles to salvage US troop presence in Syria (Jack Detsch) Extra Listening: Episode #82,   Walk (Back) This Way (1/10/2019): T