SALES Network1

8: The winning attitude of a sales warrior w/Dale Dupree



How do you deal with rejection in Sales?  It was exciting to discuss this among other things with Dale Dupree Leader of The Sales Rebellion, he is got a big passion for sales, more so, a passion for salespeople.   I was looking forward to hearing how he coaches others to deal with rejections; converting frustrations into motivation; how to deal and prepare for that emotional roller coaster; introverts-ambiverts-extroverts, and more, tune in below, and here are some takeaways from this great episode:  ✏️ You have to decide and accept that rejection is part of the culture in sales, and you have to come to terms with that  ✏️ Always treat every person in the company as if they are the decision-makers  ✏️ Before calling your potential customers, get on the phone and do a warm up call with your mentor or loved ones and do some role playing to get you pumped up  ✏️ Build those morning rituals and rhythm that prepare you for the day If you are in Sales, what are your winning