CAM Matters with Betsy Barbieux

E2: How your HOA is and isn't like a municipality



Betsy Barbieux explains how the community association is structured like a municipality. However, the board of directors doesn't function as a representative form of government. While a city council represents the citizens, a community association board's sole responsibility is to follow the statutes and bylaws of the community.   TRANSCRIPT   Betsy - Hi, I'm Betsy, and in today's episode of CAM Matters, we are going to finish our history lesson of how we got here, how we ended up with all of these condos, co-ops and HOAs, and we'll end with an analogy to a municipality. Ooh, that rhymes. Betsy - Stay tuned. Announcer - Welcome to CAM Matters, Condos, Co-ops, HOAs and Beyond. Betsy Barbieux is an information leader in Florida on community association living, rights and obligations. She is an expert on the rights and obligations of owners, as well as the association. If you live or are planning to live in the state of Florida, there's a good chance you'll be part of a community association. And by the end of t