ZASA Mag Podcasts

Mwangala Ikacana Interview - Part 2 of 2



ZASA Magazine — [CONTINUED] We had been trying for some time to get her to talk to us but had been unable to due to some complications between Miss Zambia Pageant’s management company (Platinum Events Productions Africa) and the previous title holder Louisa Chingangu. The crown was contested in December 2016 and Mwangala got promoted from first princess to title holder in May this year after Louisa was dethroned due to a controversy that went viral on social media and made headlines in Zambian mainstream media publications. We finally got a chance to chat to her when she came to South Africa to contest the Miss Africa Continent Pageant 2017. We found her deep in rehearsals and managed to get her away for an hour – the competition was taking place in 4 days. More at