Founder Stock Investing

Last Week's Portfolio Update: +1.57% Up $8,045



Time got away from me and I couldn’t get last week’s update out last Friday. This week will be a little weird. Today we’re covering last week (week ending October 11th) and on Friday, October 18th, we will be back on schedule. I am considering moving portfolio performance updates to once a month which will give me more time to focus on covering individual companies. Would love to hear your thoughts/preference. Reply to this email and let me know!First a little housekeeping. For some strange reason, I feel compelled to start the podcast back up. If you’re reading via email, you’ll still continue to get updates and podcasts you can play directly in your inbox. You’ll also be able to listen through your favorite podcast player so please, subscribe to Founder Stock Investing and leave a review. It will help others find us!Apple PodcastsSpotifyAll results through October 11, 2019.7-Day return: +1.57%Year-to-date return: +25%Transactions: 0Holdings & allocation %Alteryx (AYX): 19%The Trade Desk (TTD): 19%Twilio