Outdoor Adventures With Jayson

Ep 003: Mark Holyoak of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation



I get a change to talk with Mark Holyoak of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (www.rmef.org). Mark is the Director of Communications for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and discusses his position and how he came about to be employed at RMEF.   Mark Holyoak of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation discusses some of the restoration projects that the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has done including preserving almost 7 million acres in elk habitat through various means. This also benefits all animals from songbirds up to the elk, bears, wolves and any other animals that inhabit that land. The reintroduction of elk to various places is discussed including Kentucky, and many other eastern United States locations.   If you go to www.rmef.org you can see many of the projects that are supported, and your membership helps to put money into future elk habitat management.   You can also go to Outdoor Adventures with Jayson (www.oawjs.com) to access a link to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.