Horse Wise

Meet Erin Crady of Thoroughbred Charities of America. Behind her quiet, multitasking ninja facade, Erin is a true TB aftercare trailblazer, natural disaster hero and rugged pack trip rider.



This interview is part of a series in honor of the Retired Racehorse Project TB Makeover event in Oct 2019. Erin Crady and I have a fascinating discussion about the evolution of Thoroughbred aftercare and TCA’s role in the industry. TCA’s history literally began in a living room (a very nice living room at CandyLand Farm) over thirty years ago. Since then, TCA has has provided over $23M grants to over 200 Thoroughbred related organizations. In addition to aftercare groups,ŤCA also supports Thoroughbred incentive programs, backstretch and farm employee programs, equine-assisted therapy programs that utilize Thoroughbreds and equine research. Their Horses First Fund is a ground breaking initiative to assist Thoroughbreds in crisis situations (such as Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico). TCA is the Presenting Sponsor of the prestigious Retired Racehorse Project TB Makeover. They have supported the Makeover since 2012 (at its inception) and its mission of creating markets and public demand for OTTBs in the show