Horse Wise

Meet Erin Shea of Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. Erin is a marketing genius, a talented journalist and a dedicated fan of OTTBs. Especially one named Turbo Booster.



This interview is the last of a series in honor of the Retired Racehorse Project TB Makeover event in Oct 2019. Erin Shea and I discuss the history of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (“TAA”) and the evolution of its partnership with the racing industry. TAA accredits charities that provide assistance to off-track TBs throughout the US. Due to their rigorous accreditation process, TAA literally sets the standard for aftercare in the nation. Once accredited, organizations are then eligible for grants through TAA. The TAA accreditation and grants allow TB charities to gain key national support for their work that they might not otherwise be able to access. The TAA accreditation process also promotes the sharing of best practices and mentoring among TB aftercare charities. I’m honored that the aftercare charity I founded (LOPE) has been been accredited since 2015. Speaking from experience, TAA has played an invaluable role in LOPE’s warhorse program. Because of their accreditation and support, LOPE has b