In Bed With Dr Sue

Suffering in Silence - The Stigma Associated with Chronic Disease



So many people suffer with chronic illness and do so silently.  That may seem strange to you if you’re healthy but there is a stigma surrounding chronic illness’s such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Epstein Barr Virus, Lyme Disease and hell I’m even going throw in Menopause. The stigma comes in when the disease/illness isn’t obvious.  Our society associates illness with runny noses, broken bones and trauma; things we can see.  However the illnesses I just mentioned don’t necessarily have visual effects, it’s not obvious that the person is suffering yet suffering they are I can assure you. But what about the people who say, “You don’t look sick. You’re probably doing it for attention” I’m joined by two very brave ladies of our community, Ms Toxic Goddess and Miss Taphophile both of whom are suffering from one or more of these illnesses.  Why do I say they’re brave? Because of the stigma I just mentioned but lets add another element to this. Both of these ladies are Domin