Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia

Starseed Forgiveness



Starseeds are forgiving by nature, even so, forgiveness is a rich and needed topic. Starseeds face added issues to everything in life, for example, you channel the emotions of the individual who did you harm, and you struggle with being able to read their mind.   If you can't get away from someone energetically and move on how can you have the space to forgive? Come Learn ten steps to forgiveness by Wayne Dyer, idiot compassion and remaining neutral.    REFERENCES:  Bodhipaksa IDIOT COMPASSION: Chogyam Trungpa borrowed from Gurdjieff: idiot compassion Wayne Dryer: Forgiveness How to Forgive someone who has hurt you in 15 steps Remaining Neutral: REV. Liliana Barzola