Q The Nurse

CONTROVERSIAL Nursing News | First Do No Harm



First Do No Harm is a podcast hosted by Jami Fregeau that brings information to the forefront of controversial issues in hopes to add the human factor to issues we all seem to be opinionated about. We really get into the MANY controversial issues: Parents lose custody of 4 year old son with cancer when they decide to stop Chemo My nursing career Dealing with elderly patients with brain injuries J&J ordered to pay $572 million due to the opioid epidemic Vaping deaths and the ban on vaping products Changing our perspectives for FREEDOM Transgender pronouns Caring for a patient wearing the Confederate flag Listen to ‘First Do No Harm’ podcast @: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/first-do-no-harm/id1458178119 Follow Jami’s Instagram @futuredr.jami: https://www.instagram.com/futuredr.jami/ PLEASE Rate & Subscribe to QTheNurse podcast @: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/q-the-nurse/id1312675906 Watch the full show @: