Q The Nurse

End of News Report #3 | Is Bernie Sanders Too Old To Be President?



Is Bernie Sanders Too Old To Be President? | End of News Report #3 Subscribe for more: https://goo.gl/ImMFOa Join the best nursing Facebook group ever, ‘Nurses Are Human Too’ @: https://www.facebook.com/groups/492766607940081/ PLEASE Rate & Subscribe to Q The Nurse podcast @: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/q-the-nurse/id1312675906 Watch this weeks nursing news, Nobel Prize For Medicine | Nursing News @: https://youtu.be/NrMhn_FqC-g  Tina tells me about her trip to Las Vegas! Bernie Sanders gets chest pain and gets 2 stents placed.  is he too old to be president? Black nurses are less likely to be promoted... I AM SICK OF THESE STUDIES (at least the framing of these stats and arguments)! Weekly Nursing News, With Q The Nurse: https://goo.gl/Vzqkko