Modern Living With Dr. Angela

Prepare to Die: Rescued with Susanne Kacsandi



One Girl.  Two Worlds. Three Deaths. Four Dimensions. Based on true accounts, this intricate plot unravels while a former victim of sex slavery pieces her life back together following a courageous rescue and bust of a human trafficking ring by federal agents. Feel the excitement of victory as the supernatural explains the natural; hear your heart throb as tremendous battles are fought and miraculously won. You decide if good still triumphs over evil in this wicked world. When you hear how hope can thrive amid horrendous circumstances, be prepared for a ride on an emotional roller coaster. When you meet members of the ring and its victims and develop a relationship with each one, you just might change your mind about some things. How many of them allow truth to set them free? Why? What happens when faith sustains hope, and hope is renewed? Does it heal a heart? A soul? You'll love and laugh, hate and cry as truth reveals the lie; you'll lie in suspense, never guessing the end, although the end never really