Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Six: Not That Scary (Part One)



Not that scary, Mark insisted to himself, walking down Main Street toward her office. Not that scary. He wasn’t sure why he found Eunice the scariest of the McCutcheon women, but he did. Her mother Lois was grandmotherly—though he sometimes had the sense that he might be one grandmotherly hug away from being fed to the worms. Her daughter Timi was spooky-scary, but in a vulnerable way that made her seem less threatening. But Eunice herself …. Eunice was a woman of about forty. She had a striking face—beautiful, perhaps, in Mediterranean way that was quite unlike either her mother or her daughter. She didn’t seem to be fat, but whether she was muscular, or rounded, or rail-thin, Mark couldn’t have said, because she always wore clothing that concealed. She’d always been polite to Mark, and perhaps even friendly, but with so much reserve that he couldn’t really be sure. In fact, there was a sort of sheathed sharpness about her. Mark sometimes imagined her as a secret agent or an undercover assassin. And she alw