Mornings With Mark

James Harden & Cybersecurity Policy



The NBA playoffs are in full swing and there's a huge rules controversy around one superstar's—James Harden—jump shot. Basically it boils down to whether or not the actions that Harden takes are against the rules. Is he pushing the rules to draw a foul on the opposition? Is he fouling the defence? Is it a non-call? The answer isn't relevant here (though critical to this playoff series). What is relevant is that the rules as written will be pushed to the breaking point and maybe beyond. There are two sides to this coin. The first is when employees in your organization are trying to get their work done and the cybersecurity rules in place prevent them from accomplishing their goals. In this case, people bend the rules to accomplish a positive outcome. The second side of the coin is when a company pushes their own rules to the detriment of others. We see this time and time again with social networks. The rules state one thing, their public messaging another. When push comes to shove, they hide behind the rules,