This Full Life




Do you ever look back on your year and take inventory of  all that's transpired?   Have you ever thought, "Did I do what I set out to do this year?  How did this year unfold for me?" That's exactly what we're doing today.   My guest Julie Guthrie and I look back through the past years blogs  and reflect on the personal work we've done.   Inspiration for blogging comes from our personal journey's.   Today we're reflecting on our issues and transformations over the past year.  We look back at the intentions we put out in the world and what has actually manifested; what's worked and what hasn't.  Getting brutally honest with yourself is painful, scary and exhilarating.  And when you can look back over the entire year to see exactly how your life has played out, it's really reaffirming to your life path.  Listen in to hear everything that's gone right and everything that's gone wrong in this year.