This Full Life




 In Part II Julie and I pick up our conversation with the Act of Surrender.  Faith, Letting Go of Attachment, and Expressing Gratitude also make an appearance.   The more Julie and I are in conversation about these topics, the deeper we go into our own healing journeys.  I've realized the work I've personally done this year has been around having faith.  And surrenduring the outcomes.  I'm learning to release control in a big way.  Once we let go of the reigns and are willing to see the ways control seeps into our life, other ways show themselves.  It's so easy to want control into our lives. If everything's under control then I know exactly what to expect.  When in fact this is the hardest way to exist.  It's like fighting to get upstream. Tuning in and learning how to listening to our guidance is so much easier.  Allowing ourselves to hear the guidance and following the path laid out in front affords us the opportunity to let someone else be in charge.   We all need the reminder to tune in and listen.