This Full Life




Being in the present we really know how to do it?  Do we really know how to connect to ourselves and others in the real, right now, present moment?   I'm learning this year.  It's one of my intentions for 2018. To practice more of being in the present moment. To have intentionality.   I've realized I'm mostly in the future moments rather than being in the present moment.  I like to plan. So I find myself in the planning piece rather than being in what needs to be done for the event to actually take place. Being in the present moment takes courage.  It takes dedication and committment.  Present moment being means we're actually showing up for all that's happening right now.  And that can be good or not so good. How do take you take yourself out of the present moment? Being present means allowing our issues to rise to surface and be with them rather than pushing them aside so as not to feel.   Often we’ve become so good at pushing uncomfortable feelings aside we might not even recognize them