This Full Life




I've known Danny for over 4 years.  When I first met her at our mutual yoga studio in Santa Barbara, CA I knew she had two grown children and was coming off a breakup.  As time went on I discovered she was dating one of the female instructors and began to wonder how someone shifts from being attracted to males to being attracted to females and visa versa.  I had no judgement around it, I was coming more from the place of curiosity and wonderment.    Several years have passed and I ran into Danny again in Colorado. She's still dating the same woman. Several women leaders I follow on social media also had break-ups from long-term male partners and were now in committed relationship with women. What sparks this?  What's the internal shift that happens when we go from one gender to another? Gender Identity is a very personal and unique thing.  According to the research Danny's done we each have three layers to our identity; the first being the shell we're born in:Female or Male.  The next layer is the gende