Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Three: This House Is Alive (Part One)



On his day off, Mark ate lunch in the Rose and Feather, taking his time and reading while he ate. When he came out of the side door after lunch, he stopped in his tracks: David Caputo, pastor of the Bible Church, was just climbing out of his Cadillac across the street. Mark hadn’t seen the older man since before the fire. He’d thought about calling him, or going to see him, but he just hadn’t been able to do it. He didn’t know what he’d say. Over the course of the previous year, David had harassed Sandra with letters and phone calls, believing her Wiccan way to be inherently evil. He had convinced his church to open a mission in the building across the street—attempting to use an obscure city ordinance to drive Sandra out of business. He’d had an unproductive argument with Mark about it. And all the while, his son had secretly pursued his father’s ends by more sinister means, with hate crimes against Sandra’s people and, ultimately, an attempt to kill Sandra by arson, along with Mark and a police officer. N