Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Four: Storm Warnings (Part One)



They all rose from their seats, and Sandra began to lead the way out of the kitchen.  But suddenly, Timi cried out: “Oh! That’s—there’s something—I’d better just—” She began to shiver, and crouched down to the kitchen floor. Eunice ran to her daughter and crouched beside her. “It’s awa-ake,” Terri whispered into the silence, looking around wide-eyed. “Circle up now!” Lois said, in a commanding voice. “It’s a vision she’ll be having, and she could use our help.” “Right here, then,” Sandra said. “Lois, your north is there by the window onto the street. Eunice, stay with Timi. Can you lift her onto the table?” Mark went to help, but too late: Eunice gathered Timi into her arms, rising as if her twenty-one-year-old daughter weighed no more than a baby. She sat on the table, cradling Timi in her lap. Everyone else went to their accustomed positions in the circle, forming it around the kitchen table. Sandra watched Timi. The girl was in distress, like she had been Samhain eve; clearly there was a vision pressin