Ken Arciga's Manceptional Podcast

028: Pro-Rugby to The Bula Ball Method with Riaz Fredericks



Imagine cracking your back at 18, continuing to play a full career of international professional rugby, and living with near debilitating back and neck pain for 20 years! Today’s guest Riaz Fredericks lived that life and when he could find no solace in conventional methods and was at the end of his rope (even after spinal surgery), a chance meeting and initial work with a trainer at the famous Gold’s Gym in Venice finally led him on a path to discover a way forward—and for himself and many others—a way to heal a broken body through what he calls “The Bula Ball Method.” We also discuss other topics such as what it was like going from living such a masculine lifestyle at a professional rugby player to being a stay at home dad raising 3 kids. If you are currently suffering back pain, had surgery, sit in a chair all day in front of a computer or even if you are athletic and in great shape, you can benefit from what Riaz has learned. To find out more you can go directly to his website below to learn more and pu