Ken Arciga's Manceptional Podcast

031: Celluvate—“The Fountain (powder) of Youth” with Ron Waddy & Dr. Charles Hensley



“60 is the new 20” may be the new motto if Ron Waddy & Dr. Charles Hensley have a say in it with their upcoming product release of “Celluvate,” an all natural powder that works on Telomeres, Mitochondria (the “battery pack” of your cels), Testosterone receptors and more. 

To date testers ranging from bodybuilders and Olympic track coaches to high-powered executives have reported increased muscle mass and strength, quicker recovery, overall energy, and feedback is starting to come in from people whose diabetic numbers are going down—enough for some to not need their medication! Oh, and apparently it works wonders for the libido as well, you know, in case you have “a friend” who might be interested in that type of thing : ) That’s a lot to grasp, but perhaps the best testimony is one half of our dynamic duo—Ron Waddy is a 68-yr old Powerlifter who can still deadlift over 500lbs, and in person you could never guess his age. The other half is none other than Dr. Charles Hensley himself—the inventor and produc