Candi Andcompany

Paul The Experience Italia



I am an only child born and raised in New York City.  Both of my parents are second generation Italian American. They are hard working entrepreneurs’ who each own a successful business. They taught me a lot including hard work and the value of a person. I graduated from Hofstra University with a bachelor's Degree in Business. Two Years ago i went on Vacation to South Beach Miami and fell so much in love with it that i decided to make the big move!!!While living in Miami I got caught up in the lifestyle of eating right and working out all of the time. Even though my whole life I trained MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and always lifted weights it inspired me to go to the next level. I now had a burning desire for the perfect physique. While Training in one of my crazy Beast mode sessions I was approached from a local photographer who asked if she could take some pics of me for her portfolio…And that’s when it all began… After that I started shooting with her weekly to get comfortable being in front of the camera..